
Welcome New Floridians

This site started on the Tenth Anniversary of our moving to Florida.  Ten years came and went pretty quickly. We have learned a lot in those years and have made some mistakes along the way. Our goal is to try to help new Florida residents, and those thinking about relocating here, profit from our experience.

The articles are set up with a variety of categories, so you can look for whatever interests you. We are open to suggestions to improve the site and will try to answer any questions asked.

Our Articles

Yes, we have seasons

Even though we have sunny weather most of the time, we do have seasons here in Florida. Though they may not be as recognizable as those in the North, there are differences in each season. Summer, as you can imagine tends to be very hot. I say summer starts sometime in...

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Great Blue Heron

These majestic birds love to hang around the beach waiting for discarded fish or bait from fishermen. One of the funniest things to see is a heron is raiding the bait bucket of a fisherman who is not paying attention. The guy is usually up to his waist in the water...

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